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Press the arrows on each image to scroll through the various collections.
Tell Me a Story


Drawing upon my own family history of storytelling, I’ve created a body of performance-based garments that explore the importance of preserving oral traditions, stories, and songs passed down through generations in my own voice. Using textile imagery and hand dying techniques, in combination with intricate patterning, these garments function as mnemonic devices that can be used in daily activities and rituals to pass along oral family heirlooms.


To see a video of the performance click Here.

Four Women


From the very beginning of American history, people have woven prejudices, misunderstandings, and stereotypes to create a veil over the true reality of the historical similarities we all share. Through observation, and study of culture, politics, and “race” in the United States I have created performance-based garments that explore this complex relationship of ethnicities in America. Using the performance of these garments to create awareness and conversation between the viewer and the artist, the goal is to shatter stereotypes, share stories of the past, and to make steps toward destroying this “idea of race” that the United States of America was founded upon.

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